Friday, July 31, 2015

Reise Know-How Cuba: Reiseführer für individuelles Entdecken, Auflage: 9

Frank-Peter Herbst, "Reise Know-How Cuba: Reiseführer für individuelles Entdecken, Auflage: 9" German | ISBN: 3831725020 | 2015 | 504 pages | PDF | 17 MB Dieser umfassende Kuba-Reiseführer für Individualreisende lädt zum eigenen Entdecken der widersprüchlich-schönen Karibik-Insel ein. Kuba (spanisch: Cuba) ist ein faszinierendes Land,...

The Struggle for Order: Hegemony, Hierarchy, and Transition in Post-Cold War East Asia

Evelyn Goh, "The Struggle for Order: Hegemony, Hierarchy, and Transition in Post-Cold War East Asia" English | ISBN: 019959936X, 0198753314 | 2013 | 288 pages | PDF | 1 MB How has world order changed since the Cold War ended? Do we live in an age of American empire, or is global power shifting to the East with the rise of China?...

Amazing Guitar Secrets

Amazing Guitar Secrets 2xDVD5 | NTSC 4:3 (720x480) VBR | MPEG2 ~4802 kbps | English: AC3, 192 kb/s (2 ch) |Duration: ~2 Hours PDF Booklets + Jam Tracks Size: 8,21 GB | Genre: Guitar Lessons...

Foundations of Confucian Thought: Intellectual Life in the Chunqiu Period, 722-453 B.C.E.

Foundations of Confucian Thought: Intellectual Life in the Chunqiu Period, 722-453 B.C.E. By Yuri Pines 2003 | 400 Pages | ISBN: 0824823966 | PDF | 3 MB This ambitious work focuses on the world of Chinese thought during the Chunqiu (Springs and Autumns) period (722-451 B.C.E.), the two and a half centuries directly preceding...

Artgerechte Männerhaltung NA: Der ERziehungsratgeber für SIE Gebundene

Isabella Woldrich, "Artgerechte Männerhaltung NA: Der ERziehungsratgeber für SIE Gebundene" German | ISBN: 3800075563 | 2013 | 160 pages | EPUB | 1 MB Hege und Pflege der männlichen Gattung: Mit liebevoller Ironie erklärt die Psychologin Isabella Woldrich die Missverständnisse zwischen Mann und Frau und gibt ihren Geschlechtsgenossinnen Hinweise,...

Die gute Idee: Erfindungen und Geschäftsideen entwickeln und zu Geld machen

Alexander Schug, "Die gute Idee: Erfindungen und Geschäftsideen entwickeln und zu Geld machen" German | ISBN: 3868514082 | 2014 | 192 pages | EPUB | 1 MB Vom Geistesblitz zum Geschäftskonzept. Die Geburt und Entwicklung einer guten Idee folgt immer einem reproduzierbaren Muster. Das ist der "rote Faden" für unser Buch....

Das Geheimnis starker Menschen: Mit Resilienz aus der Überforderungsfalle

Monika Gruhl, "Das Geheimnis starker Menschen: Mit Resilienz aus der Überforderungsfalle" German | ISBN: 3451610620 | 2014 | 200 pages | EPUB | 1 MB Sie sind stark, diese Männer und Frauen, im Beruf, in der Familie, im Ehrenamt, sie setzen sich ein, sind für andere da, haben die Dinge im Griff und halten die Bälle in der Luft...

The Chechen Struggle: Independence Won and Lost

The Chechen Struggle: Independence Won and Lost By Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, Ilyas Akhmadov, Miriam Lanskoy 2010 | 288 Pages | ISBN: 0230105343 | PDF | 7 MB Told from the perspective of its former Foreign minister, this is a uniquely candid account of Chechnya's struggle for independence and its two wars against Russia...

Fragment-Based Drug Discovery

Fragment-Based Drug Discovery By Steven Howard, Chris Abell 2015 | 300 Pages | ISBN: 1849739080 | PDF | 22 MB Fragment-based drug discovery is a rapidly evolving area of research, which has recently seen new applications in areas such as epigenetics, GPCRs and the identification of novel allosteric binding pocke...

Acoustic Guitar with Paul Baloche

Acoustic Guitar with Paul Baloche DVD5 | NTSC 4:3 (720x480) VBR | MPEG2 ~3914 kbps | English: LPCM, 1536 kb/s (2 ch) | 02:27:35 | 4.36 GB Genre: Guitar Lessons "In this instructional title, musician Paul Baloche shares his insight on the most important concepts of playing the guitar, including finger picking techniqu...

Limitless Hypnosis Coaching Sessions

Limitless Hypnosis Coaching Sessions Audio CDs in MP3 / English: MP3, 128 kb/s (2 ch) | Duration: ~40 hours | ISBN-10: N/A | 2014 Size: 2,73 GB | Genre: Psychology, Hypnosis "What would you welcome into your life if you could experience no limits? UNLOCK THE POWER OF YOUR MIND SO YOU CAN CREATE THE LIFE YOU DESIR...

Outlaw Culture: Resisting Representations

Outlaw Culture: Resisting Representations By Bell Hooks 2006 | 320 Pages | ISBN: 0415389585 | EPUB | 1 MB According to the Washington Post, no one who cares about contemporary African-American cultures can ignore bell hooks' electrifying feminist explorations. Targeting cultural icons as diverse as Madonna and Spike L...

Immunobiology of the Shark

Immunobiology of the Shark By Sylvia L. Smith, Robert B. Sim, Martin F. Flajnik 2015 | 326 Pages | ISBN: 1466595744 | PDF | 32 MB Immunity studies in sharks over the past three decades have produced some remarkable discoveries. If one message rings true, it is that alternative animal model syste...

Siege Weapons of the Far East (2): AD 960-1644 (Osprey New Vanguard 44)

Siege Weapons of the Far East (2): AD 960-1644 (Osprey New Vanguard 44) Osprey Publishing | 2002 | ISBN: 1841763403 | English | 50 Pages | True PDF | 4,1 MB...

Siege Weapons of the Far East (1): AD 612-1300 (Osprey New Vanguard 43)

Siege Weapons of the Far East (1): AD 612-1300 (Osprey New Vanguard 43) Osprey Publishing | 2001 | ISBN: 184176339X | English | 50 Pages | True PDF | 3,5 MB...

Industrial Hygiene Control of Airborne Chemical Hazards

Industrial Hygiene Control of Airborne Chemical Hazards By William Popendorf 2006 | 728 Pages | ISBN: 0849395283 | PDF | 35 MB Do you need guidelines for choosing a substitute organic solvent that is safer to use? Do you need an effective, cheap but perhaps temporary way to reduce exposures before you can convince your employer...

Mapping the Cold War: Cartography and the Framing of America's International Power

Mapping the Cold War: Cartography and the Framing of America's International Power Audio CDs in MP3 / English: MP3, 64 kb/s (2 ch) | Duration: 10:45:06 | ISBN-10: 1504606809 | 2015 | 295 MB Genre: History "In this fascinating history of Cold War cartography, Timothy Barney considers maps as central to the articulation of ideological tensions between American national interests and international aspiratio...

Introduction to Green Chemistry, Second Edition

Introduction to Green Chemistry, Second Edition By Albert Matlack 2010 | 599 Pages | ISBN: 1420078119 | PDF | 31 MB In the nearly 10 years since the publication of the bestselling first edition of Introduction to Green Chemistry, interest in green chemistry and clean processes has grown so much that topi...

American Character: Curious Life of Charles Fletcher Lummis and the Rediscovery of the Southwest

American Character: Curious Life of Charles Fletcher Lummis and the Rediscovery of the Southwest Audio CDs in MP3 / English: MP3, 64 kb/s (1 ch) | Duration: 04:23:19 | ISBN-10: N/A | ASIN: B00BMZISA6 | 2013 | 395 MB Genre: History "Charles Fletcher Lummis began his spectacular career in 1884 by walking from Ohio to start a new job at the three-year old Los Angeles Times. By the time of his death in 1928,...

Mastermind Your Way to Millions: How to Become an Information Multi-Millionaire!

Mastermind Your Way to Millions: How to Become an Information Multi-Millionaire! Audio CDs in MP3 / English: MP3, 192 kb/s (2 ch) | Duration: 5 hours | ISBN-10: N/A | ASIN: B001AZWEP8 | 2001 | + PDF Guides | 745 MB Genre: Business, Job "Dan Kennedy (not on this program) says: "There is gold in them there old" Boy, is he right! This is back from the dawn of serious info-preneuring (Allen's term)....

Electronically Scanned Arrays MATLAB Modeling and Simulation

Electronically Scanned Arrays MATLAB Modeling and Simulation By Arik D. Brown 2012 | 224 Pages | ISBN: 1439861633 | PDF | 14 MB Electronically Scanned Arrays: MATLAB® Modeling and Simulation is considered the first book to provide comprehensive modeling/simulation programs used to design and...

Introduction to Environmental Toxicology: Molecular Substructures to Ecological Landscapes, Fourth Edition

Introduction to Environmental Toxicology: Molecular Substructures to Ecological Landscapes, Fourth Edition By Wayne Landis, Ruth Sofield, Ming-Ho Yu 2011 | 542 Pages | ISBN: 1439804109 | PDF | 41 MB After fifteen years and three editions, Introduction to Environmental Toxicology: Molecular Substructures to Ecological Landscapes has become a standard t...

New Developments in Multiple Objective and Goal Programming by Dylan Jones

New Developments in Multiple Objective and Goal Programming (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems) by Dylan Jones English | Mar. 25, 2010 | ISBN: 3642103537 | 167 Pages | PDF | 3 MB This volume shows the state-of-the-art in both theoretical development and application of multiple objective and goal programming. Applications from the fields of supply chain management,...

Human Dignity and Managerial Responsibility

Ana Maria Davila Gomez and David Crowther, "Human Dignity and Managerial Responsibility" English | ISBN: 1409423115 | 2012 | 236 pages | PDF | 1 MB The issue of human rights, in the context of corporate social responsibility, is normally taken to relate to concern about exploitation in the supply chain - child labour,...

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Set it and Forget it Spreads (2015)

Set it and Forget it Spreads (2015) HDRip | MЗ4/AVC, ~393 kb/s | 1280x720 | Duration: 02:36:50 | English: AAC, 53 kb/s (2 ch) | + PDF and PPT Guides | 512 MB Genre: Trading "Don's spreads strategy will make you a consistent trader. Whether you're a full time or part time trader you will be able use this strategy for lif...

The Fast Metabolism Diet: Eat More Food & Lose More Weight (Audiobook)

The Fast Metabolism Diet: Eat More Food & Lose More Weight (Audiobook) By Haylie Pomroy with Eve Adamson, read by Rebecca Lowman Unabridged edition 2013 | 5 hours and 42 mins | ISBN: 0385362455 | MP3 64 kbps | 160 MB Haylie Pomroy has helped thousands of clients lose up to 20 pounds in just 4 weeks –all through the fat-burning power of food. Hailed as "the metabolism guru," Haylie reminds us that food is not the ene...

Introduction to Corrections

Introduction to Corrections By David H. McElreath, Linda Keena, Greg Etter, Ellis Stuart Jr. 2012 | 291 Pages | ISBN: 1439860130 | PDF | 11 MB Millions in our nation are under some type of judicial sanction, with some individuals behind bars but the majority serving their sentences while living and working among ...

Recent Advances in Human Retroviruses by Andrew ML Lever

Recent Advances in Human Retroviruses: Principles of Replication and Pathogenesis - Advances in Retroviral Research by Andrew ML Lever English | July 29, 2010 | ISBN: 9814295302 | 504 Pages | PDF | 4 MB There are three major types of human retroviruses, namely HIV, HTLV, and endogenous human retroviruses. This book presents the latest findings on the replication of these human retrovirus...

Corporate Social Responsibility and the Welfare State

Jeanette Brejning, "Corporate Social Responsibility and the Welfare State" English | ISBN: 1409424510 | 2012 | 212 pages | PDF | 1 MB Over the past four decades many European welfare states have seen an increasing involvement of the commercial sector in their mixed economies of welfa...

GPGPU Programming for Games and Science

GPGPU Programming for Games and Science By David H. Eberly 2014 | 469 Pages | ISBN: 1466595353 | PDF | 4 MB An In-Depth, Practical Guide to GPGPU Programming Using Direct3D 11...

Introduction to Environmental Management

Introduction to Environmental Management By Mary K. Theodore, Louis Theodore 2010 | 556 Pages | ISBN: 1420089072 | PDF | 21 MB It is hard to imagine an area of study or a discipline in which a basic knowledge of the issues would not be beneficial, since environmental concerns are very much...

Brain-Machine Interface Engineering

Brain-Machine Interface Engineering By Justin C. Sanchez 2007 | 248 Pages | ISBN: 1598290347 | PDF | 37 MB Neural interfaces are one of the most exciting emerging technologies to impact bioengineering and neuroscience because they enable an alternate communication channel linking directly the nervous system...

Human Factors in Simple and Complex Systems

Human Factors in Simple and Complex Systems By Robert W. Proctor, Trisha Van Zandt 2008 | 656 Pages | ISBN: 0805841199 | PDF | 31 MB In terms of simple and complex systems, it is a whole new world out there. At the initial publication of this book, fourteen years ago, the web was in its infancy,...

Corporate Governance: Financial Responsibility, Ethics and Controls (Finance and Capital Markets Series) by Erik Banks

Corporate Governance: Financial Responsibility, Ethics and Controls (Finance and Capital Markets Series) by Erik Banks English | Mar. 4, 2004 | ISBN: 1403916683 | 512 Pages | PDF | 2 MB Corporate Governance is a new text which considers the problems surrounding governance and proposes solutions to help restore investor confidence in the corporate world....

Introduction to Criminal Investigation

Introduction to Criminal Investigation By Michael Birzer, Cliff Roberson 2012 | 390 Pages | ISBN: 1439839344 | PDF | 22 MB The manner in which criminal investigators are trained is neither uniform nor consistent, ranging from sophisticated training protoc...

Dissipative Ordered Fluids: Theories for Liquid Crystals

Dissipative Ordered Fluids: Theories for Liquid Crystals By André M. Sonnet, Epifanio G. Virga 2012 | 336 Pages | ISBN: 0387878149 | PDF | 3 MB This is a book on the dissipative dynamics of ordered fluids, with a particular focus on liquid crystals. It covers a whole range of different theories, mainly concerned with nematic liquid crystals...

Heating and Cooling of Buildings: Design for Efficiency, Revised Second Edition

Heating and Cooling of Buildings: Design for Efficiency, Revised Second Edition By Jan F. Kreider, Peter S. Curtiss, Ari Rabl 2010 | 863 Pages | ISBN: 1439811512 | PDF | 49 MB The art and the science of building systems design evolve continuously as designers, practitioners, and researchers all endeavor to improve the performance of buildings ...

Cooler Smarter: Practical Steps for Low-Carbon Living

The Union of Conceed Scientists, Seth Shulman, Jeff Deyette, Brenda Ekwurzel, David Friedman, Margaret Mellon, John Rogers, Suzanne Shaw - Cooler Smarter: Practical Steps for Low-Carbon Living Published: 2012-04-25 | ISBN: 161091192X | EPUB + MOBI | 336 pages | 5.89 MB How can each of us live Cooler Smarter? While the routine decisions that shape our days—what to have for dinner, where to shop, how to get to work—may seem small,...

Insulin Signaling: From Cultured Cells to Animal Models

Insulin Signaling: From Cultured Cells to Animal Models By George Grunberger, Yehiel Zick 2002 | 448 Pages | ISBN: 0415271746 | PDF | 14 MB With contributions from the leading researchers in the field, this volume brings together the latest studies on insulin action and signal transduction to provide a state-of-the-art reference...

William Stanek, "Guide de l'administrateur Windows Server 2008"

William Stanek, "Guide de l'administrateur Windows Server 2008" Publisher: Dunod | 2008 | ISBN: 2100518291 | French | PDF | 631 pages | 8.36 Mb Ce guide constitue la référence pratique indispensable dont vous avez besoin au quotidien pour administrer Windows Server 2008.11 vous apportera des procédures pratiques instantanées pour...

Introduction to Systems Ecology

Introduction to Systems Ecology By Sven Erik Jorgensen 2012 | 311 Pages | ISBN: 1439855013 | PDF | 24 MB Possibly the first textbook to present a practically applicable ecosystems theory, Introduction to Systems Ecology helps readers understand how ecosystems work and how they react to disturbanc...

The Plantpower Way: Whole Food Plant-Based Recipes and Guidance for The Whole Family

The Plantpower Way: Whole Food Plant-Based Recipes and Guidance for The Whole Family by Rich Roll, Julie Piatt English | 2015 | ISBN: 1583335870 | 336 pages | EPUB | 56 MB A transformative family lifestyle guide on the power of plant-based eating—with 120 recipes—from world-renowned vegan ultra-distance athlete Rich Roll and his chef wife Julie Pi...

Get Rich with Dividends: A Proven System for Earning Double-Digit Returns

Marc Lichtenfeld, "Get Rich with Dividends: A Proven System for Earning Double-Digit Returns, 2nd Edition" ISBN: 1118994132 | 2015 | EPUB | 240 pages | 2 MB "Set it and forget it" investing, with less risk and higher retu...

Friday, July 24, 2015

Terror Detentions and the Rule of Law: US and UK Perspectives

Dr. Robert H. Wagstaff, "Terror Detentions and the Rule of Law: US and UK Perspectives" 2014 | ISBN-10: 0199301557 | 400 pages | PDF | 3 MB After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the United States and the United Kingdom detained suspected terrorists in a manner incompatible with the due process, fair trial,...

Manuscript Miscellanies in Early Modern England (Material Readings in Early Modern Culture)

Manuscript Miscellanies in Early Modern England (Material Readings in Early Modern Culture) By Joshua Eckhardt, Daniel Starza Smith English | Ashgate Pub Co (2014) | ISBN-10: 1472420276 | 251 pages | ُPDF | 2.71 MB "Perhaps more than any other kind of book, manuscript miscellanies require a complex and 'material' reading strategy. This collection of essays engages the renewed ...

Stalin and the Lubianka: A Documentary History of the Political Police and Security Organs in the Soviet Union, 1922-1953

David Shearer, Vladimir Khaustov, "Stalin and the Lubianka: A Documentary History of the Political Police and Security Organs in the Soviet Union, 1922-1953" 2015 | ISBN-10: 0300171897 | 400 pages | PDF | 1 MB This fascinating documentary history is the first English-language exploration of Joseph Stalin's relationship with, and manipulation of, the Soviet political poli...

App Empire: Make Money, Have a Life, and Let Technology Work for You

Chad Mureta, "App Empire: Make Money, Have a Life, and Let Technology Work for You" English | 2012 | ISBN: 111810787X, 8126537353 | 205 pages | EPUB | 1.7 MB Have you ever wanted to have a business that works while you play? Have you ever wanted the flexibility to live life on your terms? How many times have you had a great idea, but never followed through on ...

Athletic Body in Balance

Gray Cook, "Athletic Body in Balance" English | 2003 | ISBN: 0736042288 | 232 pages | EPUB | 3.9 MB Great athletes make difficult moves look effortless with a combination of skill, strength, and balance. Traditional conditioning builds a fitness base,...

Internet Research with Google

Internet Research with Google by Amanda Deason English | 2015-06-29 | ASIN: B010N67ASA | 66 Pages | True AZW4 (Kindle)/PDF (True) | 5.94 MB This book is meant to be a guide and hand reference for using Google to conduct online research. While the items discussed are Google specific many will work across various other search engin...

Mechanical Engineering Principles, 3rd edition

John Bird, Carl Ross, "Mechanical Engineering Principles, 3rd edition 2015 | ISBN-10: 1138781576 | 350 pages | PDF | 7 MB A student-friendly introduction to core engineering top...